Basic Principles of the Online Intelligence Test

What Is IQ Test

It’s not just a number that reflects how intelligent you are. IQ scores of Intelligence Test have a lot of other meanings. There are parameters, and there are principles which do not only play a role in determining the scores of a person, but also has their impact in determining what these scores mean. Some of them are as follows:

IQ Ranges:
•    130+: Highly Superior
•    120-129: Superior
•    110-119: Higher Average
•    90-109: Intelligence Standard
•    80-89: Lower Average
•    70-79: Intellectually Inferior

Giftedness Characteristics: Some people are really gifted by Mother Nature. They have better grades than others and they have superior IQ level than others. Such people when participate in an online IQ test, they generally score more than the average people. Studies show that these skills are hereditary and most of the people in their families are as good as they are.

Relation between brain dimension and IQ: There is a deep relation between brain dimension and IQ level. Studies show that larger the brain is, higher is your IQ level.

Gender, ethnic background, age: These factors play a crucial role in defining your IQ level. Males generally have higher IQ than females. There are some areas in the world where IQ level is found higher than other areas. Age is also a crucial factor. The IQ level is at its highest during the teen age and young age. As you grow up, the IQ level keeps going down.

What Is IQ Test: To make more and more people aware about their IQ level, Free IQ Test Online is available over the internet. These tests are generally dependent upon natural cleverness, musical intelligence, rational-math thinking ability, existential intelligence, interpersonal cleverness, intra-personal thinking, bodily movement etc. By taking these IQ tests, you may evaluate your IQ test scores which reflect the level of your intelligence quotient.